As freelance medical translators and writers, reviewing and editing are complementary tasks that form an essential part of our work. Whether we’re revising our own projects or working on a client’s content, the review process can present a delicate balancing act.
How do we distinguish between changes that are truly necessary for accuracy and clarity, and those that stem from personal preferences?
Striking this balance is critical to maintaining professional integrity while delivering top-quality work that meets the client’s expectations.
Justifiable and necessary changes
There are certain non-negotiable aspects of medical translation and writing where changes are essential. These fall into three main categories: accuracy, clarity, and consistency.
Any deviation from the original meaning, whether due to mistranslation or ambiguous phrasing, could lead to misinterpretation with potentially serious consequences. Ensuring the output is true to the source and uses correct terminology is a necessary and justifiable change.
A text that is technically correct but hard to understand won’t serve its purpose, whether it’s intended for healthcare professionals or patients. Necessary edits improve flow, readability, and understanding – especially in dense or complex documents.
When terms vary across a document, or when formatting isn’t uniform, the result can confuse the reader. Ensuring consistency throughout the document, particularly with recurring terms or references, is an essential part of the editing process.
Preferential changes and personal preferences
On the other side of the spectrum are changes that stem from personal preferences. These might be driven by individual writing styles or subjective ideas about how something “sounds better.” While preference-based changes are often well-intentioned, they don’t always improve the quality of the content and can lead to unnecessary revisions.
Stylistic Choices:
You might prefer to express an idea in a certain way, but if the original wording is clear and correct, the change may not be justified. It’s important to ask yourself whether the change enhances the text or simply reflects your personal writing style.
Word Choice Variations:
Substituting synonyms is a common example of preferential editing. However, if the original word is precise and appropriate, there may be no need to change it. Striking the right balance involves respecting the client’s voice and the intended tone of the document.
Tone Adjustments:
In some cases, you might feel that adjusting the tone of the content would make it more engaging or formal. However, as long as the tone suits the context and audience, it’s essential to recognize when such changes are unnecessary.
Balancing expertise and client preferences
As experts in our field, we’re often called upon to advise and recommend changes based on our knowledge of language, industry standards, and the nuances of medical writing. But it’s equally important to recognize that the client – whether an author, healthcare provider, or pharmaceutical company – has the final say in their content.
Here’s how to approach balancing justifiable changes with personal preferences while respecting the client’s needs:
Communicate your rationale:
When suggesting changes that you believe are essential, explain your reasoning to the client. Frame your suggestions in terms of accuracy, clarity, or consistency. This allows the client to understand the value of your input without feeling that their work is being altered unnecessarily.
Respect client decisions:
Sometimes, even after offering a recommendation, the client may choose to retain their original wording. In these cases, respect their decision while ensuring that the final document still meets quality standards.
Know when to compromise:
If the client prefers certain wording or phrasing that doesn’t harm the overall clarity or accuracy, it’s okay to let it stand. The key is to distinguish between changes that are essential for the quality of the work and those that are driven by personal style.
Reviewing and editing are not just about making changes – they’re about improving the work while respecting the original intent. By carefully weighing justifiable edits against personal preferences, you can strike the right balance and deliver content that is accurate, clear, and polished, without imposing unnecessary revisions.
Taking a balanced approach to reviewing and editing ensures that the content you produce is both high-quality and aligned with the client’s expectations. It also fosters a collaborative working relationship, as clients appreciate both your expertise and your willingness to work within their vision.